Eco Design Wood Burning Stoves

The SIA Ecodesign Ready Scheme, that is supported by DEFRA, is due to be implemented in 2022 to set the standard for environmentally friendly log burners and wood burning stoves within the UK.

Whether you’re looking for an efficient stove or clean burning log burner, our collection will hold the SIA design ready label so you can be assured that your woodburner will burn efficiently and cleanly. Our eco stoves have been tested and hand picked, so you’re bound to find the best ecodesign ready stoves at Bonfire.

For more information you can visit Stove Industry Alliance

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Showing 1–20 of 352 results

Eco design 2022 is the stove industry’s response to the DEFRA Clean Air Strategy which aims to improve air quality and reduce emissions and pollution.

The Ecodesign programme is the European-wide agreement to lower wood-burning emissions; the deal comes into force for all stoves sold in the UK in 2022. All UK retailers are required to sell only Ecodesign ready stoves from 2022 onwards.

Each SIA Ecodesign ready stove has been independently tested by an approved test laboratory to meet the emissions and minimum efficiency criteria for Ecodesign.

Air Quality is extremley important and Eco Design Ready Stoves reduce emissions by 90%